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Tuesday, March 6, 2007

I thought that I had already posted this but a search of the posts didn't bring anything up, so....

I have entered my first painting competition. The competition is for single infantry miniatures on a 20-40mm base. Entrants are divided in to two levels -- and I have been placed (so far) in the higher tier.

I had originally entered my magnetic Black Templar commander -- but just posted a request to change models. I'm not all that pleased with my progress on the BT model whereas last night I did my best work to date... on Kharn the Betrayer. I am very inspired by the work I've done so far and really want to get this model finished.

Of course the entire thing is a bit humbling when I see the list of names in the higher tier. I will be competing directly with some of the folks whose work freqently leaves my eyes wide with wonder. On the plus side being grouped with these folks is enough to make me walk away happy with the whole experience -- even if my odds for actually winning are rather low.

I hope to be able to do a bit more work on Kharn tonight and will post a photo as soon as I can.

I will also have commission photos to post later this week -- and added a couple of links to the gallery today.

I am also working on getting the archives up and correcting the display issues on label and archive pages.



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