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Thursday, August 30, 2007

I finished my first Tyranid paint test for my "Games Day '08" project - using the Leviathan colour scheme - and now I'm having second thoughts about adhering directly to the fluff.

Instead of painting the Carnifex first I think I'll go back and do up a few 'Gaunts in various colour schemes. Because the scene I'm re-creating includes a lot of snow I'm hesitant to put a bunch of mostly white models on to it.

I have also finished the hill but think I'm going to scrap it. A bit more planning will have to go in to the hill and trench if I'm going to try and fit everything on to a 12x16" base... and I'm not sure it's going to happen. This may become a much smaller project, representing the top of the hill and far fewer models.

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