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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Commissioned Black Templar Tech Marine that I'm pretty darn happy with. I'm going to go in and clean up the BT icons on his shoulder and knee but otherwise think that he turned out quite well.

I am especially pleased with the armour chipping and the limited rust on the exposed metal of the servo backpack. The rust was accomplished using the "Rust All" product which I'm becoming happier with the more I use it.

I'll get some better photos online the next time I break out the light box. The blending and highlighting on the red don't come through particularly well in these shots - although you can see some of it in the third photo down.

Green and blue were chosen as the split contrast colours for the red on this one. I did not, however, make any specific attempts to apply them as spot colours.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The only vehicle in my 750 point army list - this one lone Razorback is going to need to find a way to get across the table and deliver my only shooty Marines. Good luck with that, little Razorback.

Despite being cannon fodder I'm pretty pleased with the vehicle. Having decided to redo my army if I decide to keep playing I went ahead and put more effort in to the only vehicle. I can field it as it is and be happy with it and put more detail in later - although I think I'm going to break my own rules and do some of that detailing now.

It's getting harder to keep on track with this 750 point army. This is especially true when I want to go back and completely redo so many of the miniatures. Ah well, tabletop first....

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The first eight of my Black Templar Initiates are finished. Each is standing on one of the resin cast bases I made for this army. BT symbols on the helmets are very much in evidence - although I have otherwise kept detailing to a minimum to help me get this army on the table.

Included at the bottom is the Marshal complete with his magnetic lightning claws and my Assault Marine test model. I have a pair of the Assault legs magnetized and ready to paint - that will let me swap the Marshal either way to match current and future lists.

Of course now I plan to completely recast my bases... but that a topic for another post.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

This guy is finally finished. I have him sealed, set aside, and ready to use with my army. He is sitting on one of the bases I made for my Black Templar army - and I've added a white casing to his bolt pistol to make him match the squad he'll attach to.

It's nice finally seeing some progress on this project. The idea that I might actually get an army on to a table in July is starting to seem like a reality. A very geeky reality.

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Just about finished with this one. Of course now that I actually have a 750 point Black Templar list it turns out I'm not actually going to use him. Ah well. He has been fun to paint and I'm quite happy with the conversion.

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Monday, June 4, 2007

Still some clean-up and highlighting to do, otherwise I'm pretty pleased with this guy. Like the Marshal and Emperor's Champion he's being done to a high gaming standard so that I can get him on the table. Unlike the previous command models this one was actually quite a conversion, of course, and I hope to go back and give him some proper painting attention later.

I'll finish out the crozius with a red handle and add some more white to the skulls. I will probably also go in and add some shading to the white on his robes... but we'll see whether I do that or start in on the squads next.

All-in-all quite pleased with how the army is coming along; even if I only have three models on which to base my opinion.

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Sunday, June 3, 2007

The finally final version of the Emperor's Champion for my Black Templar army. This model was made using 100% off the sprue parts with no actual conversions.

Most of the bits are from the Black Templar sprues - with the exception of the chest: command sprue company champion and the legs: assault marine sprue. The base was made with cork and gravel... which I will replace when I cast my new line custom of resin bases.

Done to a high gaming standard for use in my 750 point Black Templar army. With this fella done, and the Chaplain/Reclusiarch nearing completion, I should be working on my squads in the next week or so - commissions permitting.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I got a lot of feedback on this guy when I posted him to a couple of servers and this prompted a number of changes:

  • Replaced the sculpted chain with actual chain

  • Added the skull and shield to the chain

  • Replaced the off sized arm on the crozius

  • Resculpted the decoration on the left leg

  • Sculpted TEMPLAR on to the right pauldron

  • Resculpted left hand to be closed instead of pointing

  • Modeled with magnetic backpacks in place

I'm quite pleased with the changes for the most part - but now I can't decide whether or not he needs any additional purity/crusade seals. I am particularly ambivalent about the ones I had on his neck. I like the idea of adding long flowing seals, like vestments for this chaplain, but do have to agree that the last round was overkill.

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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Playing with conversions today and got this guy to a point I'm happy with. There's still some greenstuff work to come -- going to give him vestments and do something on his legs.

No backpack on him at the moment as I will make it magnetic so I can swap those with the Marshal. He'll wind up being able to use one of the jump packs or the BT backpack.

This fella also took with him a big chunk of my thumb and left a long gash in one of my fingers. Everying people tell you about appropriate use of sharp craft blades is true. Go figure.

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Wednesday, April 4, 2007

This is the final image I'm using for the Relic painting competition. Once voting is up I'll get a link to the page -- although I think that it's going to be a very, very tight competition. I am quite pleased with the result and am glad to be able to set this guy aside for awhile. If it weren't for the competition I'm sure I would have cut more corners and settled for less -- as it is this will be a piece I'm glad to see on my shelf for awhile.

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Friday, March 23, 2007

I'm so close to finished that I can taste it. It is delicious! I'll be very glad to set this model aside for awhile and get back to Kharn and my display tank.

I'm pleased with the overall result but still a bit disappointed that he's not on the same level as the Kharn model. I expect this guy and a couple sets of arms to find his way to eBay once I get a new commander put together for my 750 point list.

I still need to finish highlighting the armour and detail the sword -- otherwise I think that this guy is ready to go.

I've seen a couple of the other entries for the competition now -- and while I know I don't have much of a chance I'm still glad to be entering and competing. I've learned a lot between this and the Kharn model; both of which were intended for this competition and both of which got more attention that my usual efforts.

One week from tomorrow....

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I got home too tired to really paint tonight so I decided to do some modeling for my army with the few BT bits I have on hand. Having made the two test models that I debuted with my magnetic commander I was, however, out of Black Templar torsos.

I found a Company Champion torso in my bits box and decided that it was perfect usable in my BT army - and perfectly unique enough in the scheme to fit for a character model. And so... here is the "Emperor's Champion" model for my 750 point Black Templar army.

My goal with the army is to use only existing GW pieces off of the sprue with no conversion, no sculpting and no plasticard additions. I really want to see what the GW plastic models are capable of... and so far I'm pretty happy with the results.

I'm waiting on a bits order to get the BT bolt pistol for his right hand. I will use one of the BT shoulders on that side and, of course, more decorative bits. So far he's up to 11 purity/crusade seals -- and I found a BT backpack topper in my bits box.

Of course I'm so happy with this piece that I will probably make a new body for my magnetic commander. If he's going to be the centerpiece of my army I figure he ought to be at least half as bad ass as this guy.

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tier 1 Black Templar Rhino and Razorback. These vehicles will join the Black Templar Predator I did awhile back.

With the Black Templar stuff I've been painting, and the black and white scheme for Niroe's army, is it any wonder that I will be fielding a Black Templar army of my own?

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Final image on a squad of Black Templar Crusaders and three heavy weapons. These were done to the Tier 1 standard and I think are very representative of work at that level. I will actually use shots of these guys when I update the commission page to show examples.

Ultimately I'm pretty pleased with them and plan on fielding my own Black Templar army at a similar painting level.

Now it's back to trying to find a scheme for Niroe's flyers that will do justice to the incredible detail that Forgeworld saw fit to model.

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Monday, March 19, 2007

I finally (finally!) have an update image on my magnetic Black Templar commander. This is the model that I will be entering in to the Relic competition (with only 2 weeks to go, eep!) -- and what will become the centerpiece of my 750 point army.

Yup, I'm finally (finally!) going to give playing a try again. The last time I played we were all being amused by the new 2nd edition rule set. Ah, those were the days. So now I have a couple of 750 point lists drawn up and hope to hit the tables this summer. The last shot in this image shows the commander with twin lightning claws next to two test models.

The next image is just a sample from the Black Templar dreadnought I've been working on. I haven't done anything but the two weapons -- and I'm not sure I'll use them if I actually build a list.

Regardless of whether or not I wind up fielding this army I think it'll be a good exercise -- and if nothing else it will be good practice.

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Saturday, December 16, 2006

I just got the final okay on a Black Templar Predator Tank painted to gaming standard.

This one was done in the black and white scheme with the lascannon turret and heavy bolter sponsons. This is also the first time that I've had the hunter killer missile launcher on a vechicle - and I have to say that I am not impressed with the options that GW gives for attaching it.

Another fun vechicle finished though and another happy customer. I can't complain too much.

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