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Friday, September 14, 2007

This is probably my most elaborate commission to date. While I have done larger models, with more detail, this was the first full conversion and paint job on commission.

I know that I've detailed the model in other posts - but I'll recap here: The wings and all of the weapon arms magnetically attach. You can lift the model by the wings or the lance - although it should, of course, be moved by the base. He has STRIPY PANTS, with which I am very happy. There is freehand on his legs and checks on much of the cloth.

This one shipped out this week and, much like my original magnetic general, I'm sad to see it go. The fella I painted this for went to great lengths to find me in order to get this model though and I'm glad I could meet his expectations.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

I've started in on a WFB conversion project - creating a pegasus captain, a Capasus (hey, I don't make this stuff up), based on the Empire General model. This one will have magnetic arms in the same fashion as the Empire General I did awhile back.

At this point the model includes pins in both legs 1/4" in to the leg and 1" in to the base. After I finish the conversion I will glue the model in place and add a weight for additional stability. I will also add rock, sand and vegetation to the base for additional depth.

This has been a fantastic break from my other current projects as I don't do much Warhammer Fantasy. It has also been nice to have a conversion to work on when I'm too tired to paint.

More on this one as other projects start to wrap up.

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Saturday, February 17, 2007

I'm going to post this guy on a couple of forums for some final feedback -- but I think he's finally ready to make his appearance on eBay. I have to say that I'm glad to have the project completed.

I am really pleased with the results of the magnets though. I already have four right arm options for the BT commander that this model inspired. I suspect that it will be very easy to get carried away creating combination options.

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Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Another set of arms finished today; the only up side to being home sick, I suppose. I also finished the cloak and included the symbols of Sigmar in freehand... but I'm not entirely pleased with the result and hope for some feedback. At this stage only two sets of arms, two heads and one body to go. Oi.

For now it's time to take a break.

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Monday, February 5, 2007

I have finally had a chance to make some more progress on my Empire General project. In this case I made some changes to the armour, to add to the red/white theme, and finished a pair of arms and one head.

There's still a lot of clean-up to do, and a tail and base to be painted and finished, but overall I'm quite pleased with the results. I also have a lot of fun repositioning the pieces and swapping bits in and out. I am not a huge fan of magnetic commanders... and I've already started drilling and gluing a Space Marine.

It's going to be hard to let this one go when it's finished -- but I really don't have a use for him and a magnetic display piece doesn't make much sense. Hopefully he goes to someone that will use him on a regular basis.

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Thursday, February 1, 2007

I got some painting done on this guy today. Unfortunately the metallics are so reflective that the whole thing looks totally washed out. This is actually quite likely the best painting I've ever done.

The last image is me lifting the entire model by the tip of the lance. I managed to pick up and move the model across the room -- all holding on to the lance that was simply attached via the magnet. Fun stuff.

Now I'm off to find a tutorial on photographing metallic paints.

I'm hoping to have the finished product on eBay within two weeks.

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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The new Warhammer Empire General comes with so many modeling options that I was immediately drawn to the model. The sculpting is excellent, especially for plastic, and so I had to pick one up. This seemed like the perfect model to experiment with rare earth magets on -- and now each of those arms, heads and even the cape can be attached to either body.

Like most first projects I learned a lot about how to (and not to) work with tiny, tiny magnets -- but I'm very happy with the result and plan on making a habit of this.

A few weeks to paint him up and he's eBay bound.

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