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Friday, September 14, 2007

I've jumped in on another of the Relic painting competitions. This time I think I actually stand a chance.

I am very pleased with the colour and highlighting on the red coat, the glowing effect on the green eyes, and the sallow colour of his skin - especially the shading. I used Chinese hexagramatic icons for the wards on the hem of the coat - with weathering to blend the whole thing together. Other than black and white for highlights and shading this is also the first time I've used only three colours on a model.

The base leaves a bit to be desired but I haven't gotten motivated enough to do anything about it.

I'll post an update when the results are in at the end of the month.

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

This long time project is finally finished, packed and out in the mail to Niroe. Although I started his Valkyrie first I still have that one on the table - it should also be finished this week.

Although the snow wound up a bit thicker than I had intended I'm still pleased with the base on this one. The model uses more rare earth magnets to attach to the base.

This was also the first time I'd put my trust in to decals and tried the gloss coat/decal/gloss coat/paint method that I have recommended to so many others. Turns out it works just fine... which I suppose I knew. I simply hate applying decals.

There are a lot of detail shots for this guy floating around and I'll see what I can do about putting together some better composite images.

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Friday, July 13, 2007

It's been awhile since I updated my Leman Russ project so I thought I'd post another WIP shot. I did the snow on this one at the same time as the Thunderbolt base... and managed to get the snow weathering BACKWARDS on the treads. Oops. Note that all of the snow is at the FRONT of the vehicle and not the back. I'll be fixing that shortly.

I also intend to add mud to the tracks, undercarriage and track marks - as well as water effect to the engine compartment to show where snow has melted on the hot metal.

I had originally planned to add several guardsmen slogging along behind the tank. I'm going to save those for another project and just get this one finished so that it's not distracting me much longer. I have far too many big projects on the table right now.

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An early update on the Thunderbolt project.

I am quite pleased with how the split urban camo scheme worked out - although I think that the snow on the base is a bit thick.

There is still a lot of work to be done, of course. I'll add all of the detailing, weathering, chipping, wind streaking along the wings... some techniques that I've never applied before. This project has been a real pleasure and I intend to re-use the base idea for every future flyer.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

This model had been the bane of my existence thanks to a 2mm gap that I couldn't get rid of. Problem finally solved I've gotten the model together and finally started to be able to show some progress.

There's still a long way to go - including a simple display base - but I'm glad to be working on it again. For awhile it simply made me cry.

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Another piece for Bill's armoured company. This is his conversion and I think that it really came together. If you're going to put a Commissar in a tank then that tank needs to be able to blow the bejesus out of other tanks -- and this can do just that. Quite the intimidating piece of equipment.

This one was painted to the Tier 1 standard -- but with all of the detail on the model I think that it really pops even at that level. Just a superb model.

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Friday, February 23, 2007

Unless I get change requests back from the client this one should be ready to go. The conversion work was done by GreyDeath of the "Work In Progress" forums -- and the commission was for a Tier 1 (aka gaming standard) paint job.

I put some extra work in to the body of the jeep because it was 1) a real pleasure to paint and 2) good practice for my weathered black.

The mud glaze was done a bit thick intentionally as I thought a gun jeep would have a bit more than a touch of dirt in the corners. On a Tier 2 model I might have gone so far as to glue "mud" along the lower portion of the jeep if the client wanted it.

In the end quite pleased with the result. I hope the client is as well.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

This incredible conversion arrived today with a collection of miniatures for my next commission. This client is fantastic and always sends me the most interesting things to paint. There are several other pieces in this shipment that I can't wait to paint -- but more on those later.

I'm really looking forward to painting this one and hope that I can capture the character of it appropriately. The little details are just a wonder -- and while the body came from a Land Speeder you really wouldn't know it given how seamlessly the whole thing comes together.

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Friday, January 26, 2007

The first of the Cadian guards for the display base is finished. I started with the tank commander that came with the model and I'm pretty pleased with the result.

Now that the model is starting to come together I no longer plan on keeping the "CADIA" text on the dozer blade. I will probably strip this and replace it with the Cadian flag or similar iconography.

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I finally had an opportunity to put some time in to the Leman Russ project again. In this case I based all of the gun barrels in a gunmetal blue;added the Cadian gate iconography to the front of the tank; and completed the highlighting and first round of details on the turret.

I also managed to get a GIANT RED FINGERPRINT on the finished black side of the turret. I will correct this when I go back in to highlight and detail the body.

The turret took about two hours to get from the base colour to the current state. I expect to put in another hour before I decide it's finally finished... not counting the application of snow when the model is finished.

It's likely to be awhile before I come back to this one, however, as the next commission models just arrived.

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Not a lot of progress at this point but I am very happy with what has been done. Overall I think that the model is progressing very well and may well be competition worthy if I ever manage to finish... and stop changing my mind about the details and little touches.

Something learned: if you're going to attach a vehicle to a display base mark out the location before adding any basing materials... and leave that area bare. I had to go back in with a screwdriver and clear spots for the tank to sit - otherwise it was sitting too high, didn't rest on the tread marks I had added, and ultimately looked like an afterthought.

I plan to make some additional progress tonight and should have an update to post in the next couple of days. I would like to have this one finished within the next couple of weeks so that I can focus on other projects. Here's hoping.

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Saturday, December 23, 2006

After painting so many tanks on commission I decided it would be fun to paint one to a display quality for myself. I have no idea why I thought this would be fun but it's too late to turn back now.

At this stage I have only completed the first of at least three highlights on the red. No highlights on the black yet. I am also going to try and remove and replace the lettering on the front -- it seemed straight at the time. Oops.

Still a long, long way to go - including a display base. I intend to have the plow beaking apart a barrier on a tiered wooden base. The model will be removable for possible game play. Right now I'd say I am no more than 5% complete. That's five, not fifty.

Good thing I have other projects -- this one is going to drive me nuts before I'm finished.

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