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Monday, March 24, 2008

One of the fellas I work with and I used to be part of a bi-monthly creative writing group. We really enjoyed the regular writing exercises and frequent challenges - and we've recently come to miss it. Rather than sit around whining about how much we miss writing, however, we decided to dig up 100 writing exercises and start working our way through them.

For my part I decided to make them relevant to fan fiction.

The original work is created in Word using "Courier New" in a double spaced format -- typical for proof writing -- and everything is limited to 3-6 pages unless otherwise noted.

I'm keeping them on the RelicNews forum here:


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Saturday, June 9, 2007

I just finished pouring silicone over my first batch of truly marketable bases. My previous bases had all used the GW plastic rounds as a starter - these use rounds I picked up from the local plastics shop.

I spent about three hours sculpting, preparing and now moulding these. Each matches a ruined temple theme: damaged 1 meter tiles and rubble. I kept them simple, clean and, I feel, dynamic without the worry of having the base distract from the miniature.

I plan on basing my Black Templar army on these bad boys...

Assuming I didn't mould them with a fatal flaw.

I won't know until tomorrow morning whether I have a new batch of bases... or simply wasted silicone.

Here's hoping....

UPDATE: All ten bases came out just fine. I have twenty cast and ready to use for my first squad of Black Templar. I'll get a photo of them up some time next week.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Scorched Archive is a new 40k resource created by Andy Pearson. He has some good ideas and really wants to create an article based community for hobbyists to share tips, techniques and thoughts with the hobby community.

I was invited to participate and will be double posting my tip/technique articles there -- but have moved the army blog, chronicling my (attempt to) return to the gaming table, over to the SA web site. The first post is up now and provides some background on the project.

Hobbyists: keep your eyes on this Web site; good things will come of it.

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

By this time next week I will own one of every colour in the Vallejo Game Color range.

There were six I thought about passing on - but after a year of constantly ordering paints because I keep finding a project for that ONE MISSING PAINT! I decided to give in.

My current commission money is officially spent... and I'm feeling, for some unknown reason, just a touch naughty.

I can live with that.

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