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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Then I brought out the Captasus, and we had to spend 20 minutes ooh'ing and ahh'ing over that. The GW staff guys were pretty blown away, really impressed with both the magnetic work and the paint job. Which required me to bring out my whole magnetic General kit (I was only using the Battle Standard Bearer in the game) and go through
that whole explanation, because only one of the staff guys had seen that model
before. Anyway, you're the hero of a bunch of GW Staff on the North Shore of Massachusetts, for whatever that's worth. -- Chris



Thursday, January 4, 2007

Well I just received my tank back and am very happy with the work. Can't beat the workmanship or shipping; it arrived in one peice and not crushed at all. I will be sending you some figures next and cant wait to see the finished product.
Thank you very much -- Jacob (Black Templar Predator)

And thank you, Jacob.

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Thursday, November 30, 2006

After such a long break from painting (probably close to 14 years) it has been a lot of fun getting back in to this. That I was able to find a great client not long after getting back in to the hobby has only made it better. Especially when that client turns out to be one hell of a guy and says things like:
As an artist and a businessman, MisterJustin is a complete professional. His constant goal is to satisfy his customer to the fullest and he does so by his extraordinary talent, patience, and a vision to understand what the desires of his customer really are. I invest too much time and money into this hobby to have something done without real effort. After having him paint some of my pieces, I'll never look elsewhere. His level of quality and care is unrivaled.—Bill N.
Good thing I've been drinking, otherwise I'd blush!

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