After such a long break from painting (probably close to 14 years) it has been a lot of fun getting back in to this. That I was able to find a great client not long after getting back in to the hobby has only made it better. Especially when that client turns out to be one hell of a guy and says things like:
As an artist and a businessman, MisterJustin is a complete professional. His constant goal is to satisfy his customer to the fullest and he does so by his extraordinary talent, patience, and a vision to understand what the desires of his customer really are. I invest too much time and money into this hobby to have something done without real effort. After having him paint some of my pieces, I'll never look elsewhere. His level of quality and care is unrivaled.—Bill N.
Good thing I've been drinking, otherwise I'd blush!
Labels: Commission, News, Testemonial
My wife is beginning to think that I'm crazy. As I improve the models I'm interested in painting are taking longer and longer to finish -- but are, of course, packed with a greater and greater degree of detail. Now when I talk to the award winning painters and find out they'll spend at least 45 minutes on a face I'm not as surprised.
This guy was a lot of fun and bits of him are certainly the best work that I have done to date. There are a few little things that I would like to go in and change but I know better than to fiddle with him at this point. Putting him down is the hardest part though.
Size comparison: the circle on the banner is smaller than a dime and is just a touch over .25 inch. The little man, including his base, is 1.25 inches tall.
Now it's on to the next piece - and forcing myself to finish the pieces on my table that I am no longer interested in. I also got another shipment of tanks and vetrans on commissions which are going to be fun to paint. YAY HOBBY!

Labels: GW, Space Marines, WIP
After much hemming and hawing I have finally decided to move all painting and related content from my personal blog and give it a new home here.
This means that my portfolio site has come down, obviously. I will work to get some of those resources back online over the coming days. If anyone out there on the Intarweb is actually said resources a gentle nudge would certainly speed me up.
Labels: News