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As an artist and a businessman, MisterJustin is a complete professional. His constant goal is to satisfy his customer to the fullest and he does so by his extraordinary talent, patience, and a vision to understand what the desires of his customer really are. I invest too much time and money into this hobby to have something done without real effort. After having him paint some of my pieces, I'll never look elsewhere. His level of quality and care is unrivaled. 唯ill N. (Complete 40k Imperial Guard Army)

Commission Status: 8 week waiting period

I am presently taking on a limited number of display or near display qualiy projects.

This is the minimum standard for current projects. Every model, whether done as a single character, squad or whole army, is individually painted with at least one shade and one highlight.

My current focus is on higher standard character models and unique conversions. Prices for these projects aren't outlined below as they tend to be unique to each project.

For squads or whole armies it takes a minimum of two (2) hours per model and as much as four (4) hours per model. The range is based on the number and type of colours used and the complexity of the model itself. This includes clean-up, gluing, and simple basing.

Estimates are done at $15.00 US per hour. A single, basic model will run $30-60 with squads priced accordingly. While certainly pricey this will give you a 'Eavy Metal quality army to bring to the table every time.

Character models start at $60 for infantry - such as Captain Lysander represented here. This model represents 6 hours or $90.00 US.

For projects with a more open-ended price and time range I will check in with you several times during the project to let you know where I am and how much time I believe it will take to complete the project. You will only be charged for the actual time spent on the project - so if I estimate 10 hours and complete the project in 8 you will only be charged for 8 hours.

Shipping is charged at actual cost for UPS Ground services to your address. I prefer UPS to other shipping methods because it is tracked, easily insured, and has yet to break anything I've sent out. I will, of course, take extreme care in packing your finished miniatures. If something arrives broken please inform me with 24 hours. I will have you ship the model back to me, at your expense, to be repaired and returned at my expense.

Contact me at misterjustin at gmail dot com if you have a specific question. I am also happy to provide references based on projects similar to your own.